Getting help for your mental health can be a bit unsettling, but depending on the severity of your symptoms, it may be necessary. In any event, it’s ok to not be ok–even sometimes–but if you’re feeling not ok all of the time or most of the time, that may be the best time to ask for help.
Determining when to get help for your mental health depends on two things–what you’re feeling and how often you’re feeling it. The difference between sometimes and all of the time may not be obvious to you, but if your symptoms are affecting your daily life significantly enough, then at that point it would be most appropriate to seek professional help.
On the lighter end of the spectrum, everyone occasionally struggles with their mental health. We may feel stressed for brief periods of time, have trouble sleeping every now and again, or sometimes feel down or depressed. Generally, if these symptoms don’t persist for more than two weeks, you may just need a mental health break to focus on self-care.
Self-care looks like many things, which we’ve written about in the past, but some examples include exercising, social activities with friends and/or family, meditating, or a quick vent session with a close friend or family member.
However, there’s always the other end of the spectrum which is a bit more serious and usually requires professional intervention. If your symptoms of stress, depression, or anxiety last for more than two weeks, are constants in your life and affect your ability to make it through the day, this is when you should get help.
Usually, these symptoms are a bit more severe and include difficulty sleeping most nights, difficulty with concentration, an inability to control your moods, a loss of interest in things you used to enjoy doing, isolating yourself from friends or family, significant shifts in your eating habits, or suicidal thoughts.
Once you’ve reached this point, asking for help and following through with scheduling a consultation with a mental health professional is your best chance at healing and being able to manage those symptoms. These professionals will guide you in a safe space through psychotherapy (or talk therapy), medications, and/or brain stimulation therapies–maybe just one, or all, depending on your specific needs.
At AFHS, we offer programs tailored to your needs and we’re here to walk with you through your healing journey and be your safe space. Contact us today to learn more and get help for your mental health when you need it most.