Feelings of anxiety can come on like a tidal wave, and it can be scary, almost like you’re having a heart attack. However, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and restlessness are also common symptoms of an anxiety attack. If you’ve never experienced this before, you might become overwhelmed trying to make sense of it and unsure of what to do next.
It’s important to remember that these things should not be ignored, and try to take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. Over 40 million U.S. adults suffer from anxiety, but less than half of those individuals opt-in to receive treatment. Here at AFHS, we want to change that and provide access to the help people need, when they most need it.
We understand that you may be in a fragile state and you may be nervous about coming forward. We want you to know that when you visit our office or speak with one of our staff members, you will be treated with utmost kindness and respect, free of judgment.
We will also provide you with the tools necessary to manage your anxiety disorder beyond our doors. Some great ways to combat anxiety, or anxiety attacks are:
Controlled breathing exercises
Yoga or another form of exercise, like running or lifting weights
Positive self-talk and reciting positive affirmations
Reminding yourself to stay present
Facing your fears through small acts of bravery
We also understand that a lot of these things are easier said than done, which is why having consistent therapy and a strong support system is of utmost importance. Here at AFHS, we don’t just support individuals – we support their support systems, too (like friends and family). We truly embody the sentiment that nobody has to face these struggles alone. Don’t be afraid to reach out – it may be one of the best decisions you ever make. If all you can do at this time is admit that you’re not ok, that’s ok! Pick up the phone and give us a call 973.773.7600 or visit our website to learn about our services.